mission and values


Let’s help people threatened by poverty!

SOMARO’s goal is to support people suffering from poverty. We want to assist our clients and their families whose basic existence is threatened. That is why SOMARO wants to reinforce their dignity by treating them as customers and not as welfare recipients.

Let’s use instead of waste!

Today’s globalized flow of goods leads to various inefficiencies in transportation, storage, and sales. Many products are wasted which are still suitable for consumption. This is where SOMARO enters the logistic flow by taking these products and using them for a meaningful purpose.

Let’s shop instead of beg!

Being treated as a valued customer restores some dignity – dignity needed to find the strength for the way back to a normal life: Shopping just like anyone else!



Caring for people

We promote empathy and seek the involvement of private consumer goods manufacturers and trade enterprises to improve the lives of the disadvantaged and low-income population.


The integrity and the credibility of each member of the organization – not only of our staff and volunteers but also of the beneficiaries –  is critical to what we do and of deepest concern to us.


We seek to improve the lives of people who have been hard-hit by the widening economic crisis, and to address responsibly the needs of as many of them as possible.


SOMARO is based on a sustainable concept, and we aim at implementing it in an efficient and economically viable manner. The more efficiently the enterprise is run, the more people can benefit from it.


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